Tuesday, May 09, 2006


David Kiphuth is an artist from New York who has done freehand illustrations of archaeological objects for many publications, including Irving Rouse's "The Taino's, Rise and Decline of the People who Greeted Columbus," the preemiment text on Caribbean archaeology. While Ken and Mick were at the Society of American Archaeologists Conference in San Juan the other week, attending lectures which praised the accomplishment of Rouse and mourned his passing earlier this year, David was on St. John graciously volunteering his time and talent to the archaeology program. For two days he and his daughter Allie drew the artifacts recently aquired from Julia Condit. Illustrations of artifacts are useful because drawings can bring out characteristics and define features, dimensions, size which photographs are not able to capture. We would like to thank David and his family for their expertise and hope to see them again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Susanna...GREETINGS!! I am on Allison'scomputer, because she found me on the blog and screamed for me to come and look!! THANKS for you terrific comments.. We are still talking about our great St.John trip, and Allie and I are also talking a lot about our time with you..a great pleasure for us both! I loved doing the drawings and am almost finished with the others, which I will send off at the nearest opportunity, when they are done. My tribute to you and to my friend, Ben Rouse!! I truly look foward to the next nearest opportunity to repeat the effort. I will be in touch about that. Our friends and we, of course want to rent the house again next year!!! Best wishes, and our hopes you got the job!!!...Dave Kiphuth (and Allie)