Update March 20-24, 2006
We began this week with a shovel test at Cinnamon Bay. We are excavating this small test to assess the area chosen with the island clergy for the reburial of the human remains that have been eroding from the beachfront here for 30 years. Directly behind the warehouse, at 22 centimeters below the surface (cmbs) we discovered a distinct historic mortar floor. This building was somewhat of a surprise, as the historic maps don’t depict a building here. We are going to have to look close at the estate inventories once the artifacts give us a time frame on construction. Right now annular whiteware sherds indicate it was occupied to the mid-1800s but a bottleneck found embedded in the mortar floor suggests the floor could have been constructed in the late 18th century. We have extended the shovel test horizontally to find the dimensions of the floor so we can avoid impacting this historic structure when we reinter the Cinnamon Bay human remains. On the very surface before we even started digging we recovered a historic pick and hoe, along with historic pottery, glass, metal and prehistoric sherds. We will continue this exploratory work until we find a suitable location to excavate a 2x2 meter grave, which we figure will be large enough for two ossuaries. Why two? One ossuary for the human remains that have been found up until now, the other ossuary is for those remains that will be found in the future from this eroded beachfront. We will be continuing this work next week, but we also have on the agenda trip to Hassel Island with the Friends of the Park supporters. We will try to bring back pictures of the diving bells.

This week UNESCO invited Ken as an expert on Petroglyphs to a meeting in Guadalupe of Rock Art experts in the Caribbean for the feasibility of a transnational nomination of rock art to the list of world heritage sites. You can find the petroglyph paper written for the public and further information about Cinnamon Bay at the Friends of the Virgin Islands website: www.friendsvinp.org.